I live for her, without knowing if I found her or she found me. I do not remember how, but in the end she has conquered me. I live for her who gives me all of my true strength. I live for her and it does not weigh me.
I live for her too, don’t be so jealous of me: Among everyone she is the sweetest and warm as a kiss. She is always at my side to extinguish my solitude but that for me I live for her, too.
She is a muse who invites a smooth touch. In my sometimes sad piano death does not exist, if she is here.
I live for her who gives me all the affection that she has; sometimes she beats you but it is a fist that never hurts.
I live for her who gives me strength, value and reality in order to feel a little alive.
How it hurts when she leaves. I live in hotels for her. How it shines strong and high. I live for her in my own skin. If she sings through my voice it expands and produces love.
I live for her, and nothing else, can more live within me she gives me the life, the life if she is close to me.
If she is close to me from a theater box or against a wall I live for her to the limit. in the dark critical moment I live for her to the very edge. Every day a conquest; the protagonist is her also.
I live for her because she goes always giving me a way out because the music is faithful and sincere for life.
I live for her who gives me nights of love and freedom If there would be another life, I live it for her also.
She is called music. I live also. I live for her, believe me for her also. I live for her. I live for her.
I was dragged around and pummeled down and pushed into the water. I was vilified and mortalized. This is baptism for holy daughter. 我被拖行,重擊於地,並被沉浸入水 我被詆毀,貶抑為凡人 這是聖女的洗禮
Through my smoke-filled eyes, I recognized your smile amongst the jeering. Then I knew I'd drown, I'd be swallowed down. 'Cos my love, you were standing there jeering. 透過煙霧瀰漫的瞳眸,我瞅見你笑容底的嘲諷。 然後,我知道我將被淹沒,我將被吞蝕。 祇因我的愛,你正站在那嘲笑著。
All I thought I knew got washed right through and naked I was left there shaking. All the twisted stares and knifing snares, they cut me up into tokens for taking. 我所知的是我被洗滌而赤裸,被遺棄而顫抖。 所有扭曲且惡意的注視與刀斧臨身的圈套,將我剁碎作為佔領的象徵
As you circled down your malicious crowd, drew my blood into the water. I would melt alone. I had lost my throne. Is this baptism for holy daughter? 你圍繞著那些惡毒的人群,將我的血潑灑於水中。 我孤獨地消散 我已失去王位 難道這就是所謂對聖女的洗禮?
Not in such murky, Not in such murky Not in such murky water 別在如此混濁 別在如此混濁 別在這般骯髒混濁的水底