2010年7月3日 星期六

Loving strangers

今年5 月間去朋友家聚會時,突然聽到這首歌曲,當時覺得很好聽,所以就拿了pen drive錄下了mp3,可能當時朋友們在看外語片的關係,所以我也把這首歌當成是意大利歌了!


事過約2 個月後,我再去“高人”家串門子時,順便要求“高人”幫我翻譯,當時對方一臉疑惑,然後就打印了一份歌詞給我,再向我說:“妳聽清楚,這是首英文歌!”


loving strangers, loving strangers, loving strangers, oh
i've got a hole in my pocket
where all the money has gone
i've got a whole to do with your heart
cause it's so busy, mines not...

loving strangers, loving strangers, loving strangers oh
it is just a start of a winter
and im all alone
but i've got my eye right on you
give me a coin and i'll take you to the moon
give me a beer and i'll kiss you such foolishly
like u do when you lie

3 則留言:

greatclare 提到...


suns 提到...

loving strangers loving strangers loving strangers oh ...
i've got a hole in my pocket
where all the money has gone
and i've got a whole lot of work to do with ur heart
cause it's so busy, mine's not...

loving strangers loving strangers loving strangers oh ...
it's just the start of the winter
and i'm all alone
but i've got my eye right on u
give me a coin and i'll take u to the moon
give me a beer and i'll kiss u so foolishly
like u do when u lie
when u'r not in my thoughts
like u do when u lie
and i know it's not my imagination

loving strangers loving strangers loving strangers oh ...

:) 第一次听这首歌是在一个人的夜晚
醉了 。。。呵呵

匿名 提到...

我也覺得很好聽! :)